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The Primary Care Program (PCP) is a primary care track within the Keck School of Medicine (KSOM) Introduction to Clinical Medicine Program. It offers medical students the opportunity to experience patient care in urban, primarily underserved primary care community care settings with pediatric, family medicine, and internal medicine mentors. Students get early “hands-on” experience with patient care, health education and build relationships with patients alongside a community mentor and a primary care ICM mentor. Students receive additional training in nutrition, community-based diabetic education, inter-professional team care, and geriatrics.
Services Provided at The Wellness Center:
Health & Fitness Group Classes: The USC Keck Primary Care Program offers free cooking and fitness classes to the community. The classes are not offered during winter and summer.
To learn more about the USC Keck Primary Care Program, click here.
For a schedule of classes at The Wellness Center, click here.
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