Building Healthy
Communities - Boyle Heights
For more information, please contact:
Ismael Castro (He/Him/His)
Project Manager
(213) 344.3789
Health Happens in Schools
Anchor Leads:
Ruth Cusick (She/Her/Hers) - Public Counsel
Daniela Hernandez (She/Her/Hers) - InnerCity Struggle
Health Happens with Prevention
Anchor Leads:
Melisa Meza (She/Her/Hers) – The Wall Las Memorias Project
Sarah Keeney (She/Her/Hers)- One LA
Eastside LEADS
Anchor Lead:
Pamela Agustin (She/Her/Hers) – East Los Angeles Community Corporation
Invest in Youth
Anchor Lead:
Lucy Herrera (She/Her/Hers) – Legacy LA
Building Healthy Communities is a ten-year comprehensive community initiative supported by the California Endowment, creating a revolution in the way Californians think about and support health in their communities. Through Building Healthy Communities Boyle Heights (BHCBH), residents and community based organizations are engaged in social justice movement building, working to ensure that all community members have access to quality physical and mental health care, affordable housing, high performing schools, vibrant green spaces, inclusive and equitable community development with community input, and resources to support youth. This is done by building leadership and organizing capacity and people power of youth and adult residents, enhancing collaboration and policy innovation, leveraging partnerships and resources, and changing narratives to engage in advocacy for policy and system change.
Services Provided at The Wellness Center:
Leadership: BHCBH does not offer direct services to the public; however, residents can contact the Project Manager to get more information on how to get involved through one of the four campaigns:
Health Happens in Schools
Health Happens with Prevention
Invest in Youth
Eastside LEADS
To learn more about Building Healthy Communities, click here.
For a schedule of classes at The Wellness Center, click here.